Tenna Mose Rhiger in Denmark - 2011

Tenna got the train to the airport to meet me when I first arrived at Copenhagen. We got off at Odense where I was going to spend a week with a kayaking friend (Bente) I'd met online years ago but never met in person. Tenna had lunch there before getting the train again to Arhus where her unit was.

Bente drove me to Arhus to meet up with Tenna again.

I had a week with Tenna before we went to Silkeborg to stay with her parents for 4 weeks.

On the train to Silkeborg.

Tenna and her mother Inge.

Tenna and her father Carlo inspecting some old shelters from the war period.
At the Canoe Club.

The Gudena River.


Tenna and I spent a day walking along the foreshore at Arhus where there were a collection of strange sculptures.

Tenna and her Godmother at a reconstructed old town in Arhus.

A bus shelter near Tenna's unit.

The whole family visited a tall ships day at Hobro.

And visited a reconstructed Viking village.

The two of us had a day at Legoland.

The backyard at Silkeborg.

Her parents had rented a summer cottage on the west coast.  We visited Danfoss via the vehicular ferry.

Another day we visited the oldest town in Denmark - Ribe.
They were repairing an old cathedral which we went up to the top of.

At the cottage we played cards most nights - very serious competition.

The second oldest town - Tonder.

The Trojborg ruin.

The highest hill in Denmark is about 300 metres high - it is called Sky Mountain.
Tenna and I got a ferry to it.

Tenna was training seriously most days for a marathon race. I paddled some days with her but she was always waiting for me.
This girl is a paddling machine.

The sand sculptures at Sondervig are an annual event - this year the theme was ancient Rome.

I stood near this sculpture of a gladiator and only one couple walking past realised the joke on the shield.

Tenna's 25th birthday.

Tenna did a bit of this - waiting for me to recover a bit.

On a long paddle one day she left me at a town to be collected by her mother. Tenna paddled on to Silkeborg.

From the summer cottage we had a day on Romo where the tide goes out miles, and there is land yachting.
I hired one for half an hour - good fun.

It was an extremely pleasant holiday in Denmark in 2011 - meeting Bente, and meeting Tenna's family.
Bente and I did a bit of paddling on the sea in the week I was with her.